Collection: Finnabair Mixed Media

Finnabair is the brand name of beautiful high quality mixed media supplies by Anna Dabrowska. Anna is an inspirational artist who creates amazing 3-dimensional sculptural artwork made of whatever she has on hand ... paper flowers, metal pieces and other found objects.

Products (arty treasures) in the Finnabair range include Art Alchemy, Art Basics, Impasto Paint, Art Extravagance, tools, brushes, tissue paper, stencils, stamps, washi tape, clay moulds, mechanicals and other embellishments, and so much more. They are manufactured by Prima Marketing for mixed media, visual arts, crafts and all sorts of awesome creative goodness.

Some products in this collection are hidden from view so you can see what's in stock easier. If you can't find something, sing out anytime. It only takes 2-4 weeks for delivery.